perjantai 3. huhtikuuta 2015

Adventure awaits

I was just in time to post a (third) calendar for the Craft Barn calendar challenge in March, and so I needed to make the missing January and February pages.  This is the February page... the original linkup is of course already gone, but I've used the prompts (red and hearts) anyway. I am posting for a Finnish weekly challenge that has "anything goes" this week.

Tein juuri tätä sivua ja ihmettelin joudunko tosiaan julkaisemaan sen ilman mitään haaste-yllykettä. Sellaisia ei nimittäin tässä blogissa monta ole, koska haasteita varten tämä on perustettu... ja sitten sattuikin, että Paskiksessa on aprillipäivän kunniaksi "mikä vain" -viikko, joten sehän sopii! Tämä on siis osa Craft Barnin koko vuoden kestävää kalenterihaastetta. Aloitin tammikuussa yhdellä kalenterilla, mutta maaliskuussa aloitin pari lisää, joten niihin on tarvinnut tehdä takautuvia sivuja. Tästä eteenpäin jatkuvat siis kerran kuussa uusilla aiheilla, vuoden lopussa on sitten kolme kalenteria, jotka soveltuvat vaikka joululahjaksi :)

The cardstock here is once again from a DCVW 8x8 pad. I used my go-to stencil (Maidenhair Fern from Designs by Ryn) and crackle paste to add some interest behind my image. The "photo" and sentiment have been stamped on cream satin finished card from Crafty Individuals with Versafine Onyx Black and embossed with clear embossing powder. The ink didn't spread evenly on the picture, I don't know if its because my ink pad is almost out or because the paper wasn't clean. It's a vintage image, so that doesn't really matter and in the photo above it looks as if light is reflected from the areas. I sewed the heart shaped button on to the velvet ribbon, the feathers are sandwiched in between. The sentiment is from VivaLasVegaStamps and the photo stamp from Rubberdance. I like the way the couple looks happy and relaxed... like they've just announced an engagement or a pregnancy. Wedding pictures are usually more serious, wonder why?!?

This last picture shows what this is supposed to look like once the calendar is binded. You can see some yellow ribbon from the March page sticking out on the sides. I am actually up to date with this calendar. The rest of the pages can be found in the links below (once I get them posted, I'm having trouble loading pictures via my Gmail account...)


1 kommentti:

  1. Love how you have used my Vintage Romance rubber stamp couple on this one, and the layout is really nice. I bet your calendar will be very beautiful at the end of the year, with so many lovely pages. 3 down, 9 to go ... :-)
